deb svanefelt, msw

tapping into joy,

transforming your life through
Emotional Freedom Techniques and Hacking Reality

Tap into Cause and Effect with Hacking Reality

We can literally tap into Cause and Effect with Hacking Reality. So I’m really fascinated by what that means is possible. You know, the transformation that’s available to each of us.

Recognizing this means I’m seeing new applications in plenty of unexpected places. This morning, I was reading about two apparently unrelated topics that got me thinking:

  1. The film about Sir Nicholas Winton, the man who saved over 600 Jewish kids from extermination just days before WW2 began. He made a comment that stuck with me – “If something is not impossible, then there must be a way to do it.”
  2. Light language worker/teacher Jaime Price used this phrase in the video I was watching, “cause and effect affecting cause.”

You might wonder how those two seemingly quite disparate things go together? And how they could both possibly be connected to tapping…

The Problem…

Well here’s the thing. We are living through extraordinary times, where our longtime past, not-yet-completed trauma loops as humans are continuing to crop up for resolution.

This frequently happens on an individual, ‘micro’ basis (just look at the events in your life, in your relationships, where you may sigh in exasperation – “not again!”).

The triggering event will have some sort of unresolved emotional content and some limiting thoughts and beliefs about what is possible. These emotionally driven thoughts and beliefs are the lens through which we perceive life.

But this is also true on a more ‘macro’ level too: just look at the wars that are currently happening (again) in Russia/Ukraine and Palestine/Israel. Or look at how human greed is destroying our planet – how ‘all about me, me, me winning-the-most’ obscures ‘for the greater good’ solutions that bring benefits to us all.

I’m not taking sides in any of this (except maybe rooting for those ‘greater good for all’ solutions which seem to evade us humans).

Our human species is collectively responsible for perpetuating incredible horror, suffering and pathos. These are collective trauma loops that are unfinished and continue to replicate, over and over again, just as they do in our individual lives.

A Solution

This is a mind-bender that takes us into what quantum physics is beginning to understand now about so-called ‘reality.’

What I love about Hacking Reality is that it operates in the causal field, the quantum field, the morphic field. These descriptors all say the same thing – there is a Field, where everything is all inter-connected by/within unconditional love. Where we’re all connected together. Where what each of us does, affects the whole.

In this Field, there is no linear time – all time is Now. Without linearity, there is no past, present and future – in the Field, it’s all happening NOW. Dunno about you but for me that’s a mind-bender, when I really stop to consider the implications.

It means, when we step into the Field (and for the purpose of this post, I’m gonna use the term ‘Causal Field’), we are stepping into no-time (because paradoxically, that’s the same as all-time-is-now). Immediately, the human physical ‘rules and laws’ that are based on linear time constraints become obsolete, because they’re no longer relevant. All things become possible in the Causal Field, including co-creating participating in so-called parallel timelines. Once in the Field, we can directly tap into Cause and Effect with Hacking Reality!

What does this mean? What opens up as new possibilities for us?

Hacking Reality: “Cause and Effect affecting Cause”

For example, when we step into the Field, we can meet a Younger Self who is stuck in an endless trauma loop, perpetually replaying ‘what happened’ without any resolution (because if we’d known how to resolve it, we surely would have). In the Field, that Younger Self is as ‘real’ as you and me. They exist just like we do. And it’s our energy that enlivens them, since they are part of us.

Think for a moment about what living inside an endless trauma loop, constantly reliving it without any solution in sight, would be like.

Just because you and I may not be experiencing the full emotional impact of that in our current lives, doesn’t mean our Younger Self isn’t.

We may not be (and likely are not) even consciously aware of all their emotional overwhelm. That’s because most often, our Younger Selves exist in trauma capsules that have been entirely (or sometimes just mostly) dissociated from our awareness. It’s a survival mechanism, an escape hatch. You know, so we can go on living as best we can in day-to-day life.

Nonetheless, if we’ve experienced lots of trauma (even a series of small ‘t’ trauma events) in our lives, we gradually become immobilized by it too. We have less and less energy to deal with our lives. That’s because a part of our energy is held inside each of those trauma capsules.

No wonder so many of us feel like we’re the ‘walking wounded,’ just trying our best to get by in life. No wonder we struggle with so much anxiety, depression, sleep disorders, recurring relationship problems, addictions…

Back to those two quotes

Hacking Reality provides us with an incredibly elegant and effective solution. We can step into the Causal Field, where supporting our Younger Self means we are bringing the unfinished trauma looping into a new solution.

And, not only can we neutralize the emotional reactivity of our Younger Self in the original event (by tapping), we can assist them in creating a ‘different ending’ to that story. This is now possible because once the old emotional reactivity has been cleared by tapping and brought into a new frequency of healing, new possibilities become apparent to the Younger Self. There is no longer any ‘resistance’ from the ‘old story’ to trip us up, since the old story has been emotionally deactivated.

Thus, the Younger Self can now create a different outcome to the story – a preferred outcome. An empowering ending, with new emotions and new beliefs about self, life and others. We feel enlivened, empowered – it’s a truly amazing experience. This is just one definition, one possibility of how we can tap into Cause and Effect with Hacking Reality.

Cause and Effect Affecting Cause

Since we’re in the Field when this occurs, we are utilizing ‘cause and effect affecting cause,’ in creating a new ending.

When we fully embody the new ending, we literally open new neural pathways in our brain that have been dormant (because of the old story’s trauma-looping having defined/limited who we were and how we perceived/experienced life).

We begin to ‘own’ this new story as a preferred reality. It is able to ‘stick’ now because there is no longer any resistance from the old story (which has now been de-activated).

We cannot erase the old story – it’s still ‘there’. But it’s like an empty shell now, a deactivated husk. The new story is filled with new life, new energy.

New beliefs, new thoughts and feelings are now available to us.

It’s a profound shift. And until you’ve experienced it, it likely will sound implausible or unbelievable.

But it’s actually neither of those. We only think it’s implausible from within the confines of our old story. Within the old story, it is unbelievable…

However, Hacking Reality gives us a way to clear out all the emotional detritus and mental chatter that keep us locked inside the trauma prison.

Hacking Reality tapping is a key that unlocks the prison door, springing us free

Free to step into greater personal freedom, our potential, into more of our soul’s sovereignty.

And this is not just possible with a Younger Self from this lifetime.

In the Causal Field, where all time is Now, we can just as easily meet with a part of us from other lifetimes – from our ‘past lives’ (in linear terms).

We can also meet with a ‘future’ self, who can provide us with guidance about how to navigate our way through our current challenges.

Or we can meet with people who have crossed over and are no longer in physical form.

Additionally, we can also meet with ‘ancestors’, since their lives are actually happening ‘now’ too, in the Field.

It’s mind-blowing, what is actually possible.

This brings me back to Sir Winton’s quote:

“If something is not impossible, then there must be a way to do it”.

Hacking Reality provides us with one efficient, elegant (and even fun!) way to ‘do it’. We can not only clear out the old trauma looping that has long plagued us individually and as a species. We can also create powerful new stories that empower us as humans to step into more of our human potential!

Not only that, but we are all souls having a human experience on a Planet that’s still racked by traumatic re-enactment. The more of us who are curious to see where tapping into Hacking Reality sessions this takes us, the better.

Why ‘more is better’

When we tap to hack into our personal human ‘reality’ alternate possibilities, it also ripples out into the Causal Field.

This increases the likelihood that collectively we are participating in finding new solutions to our collective old human problems. What we each do affects the whole. We are each part of ’cause and effect affecting cause.’

Tapping into Cause and Effect, with Hacking Reality

With Hacking Reality, we can each become part of creating new solutions. We can move forward creatively, rather than feeling stuck in the old problems that have long plagued humanity. We can actually tap into cosmic Cause and Effect, sending new causal ripples out into the Causal Field.

And that brings me full circle, to remembering one of my favourite inspiring quotes by poet Mary Oliver,

“Keep some room in your heart for the unimaginable”


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